Over 40 Years Of Experience In Workers’ Compensation

Violence is a top safety issue for healthcare workers

On Behalf of | Jul 11, 2024 | Workers' Compensation

There are multiple obvious hazards that are associated with working in medicine. Exposure to people with illnesses means that healthcare workers are at elevated risk of falling ill themselves. Healthcare professionals also have to work fast to intervene in a moment of medical emergency, which can lead to people falling as they rush through a hospital.

Accidental contact with objects, overexertion and exposure to dangerous substances, like radioactive materials, all contribute to the safety concerns of modern healthcare professionals. When looking at an analysis of the underlying cause of worker injuries in hospitals, one common complaint stands out from the others.

Violence has become a top safety concern in hospitals

Patient violence has always been a concern for those in the health sector. Older adults who struggle with dementia might lash out at their caregivers in a moment of confusion. Those withdrawing from dangerous substances or admitted to the hospital while under arrest may become aggressive as well.

Many healthcare professionals believe that the number of violent incidents has increased in recent years, and statistics seem to support that belief. Patients have become more volatile, which means they pose more of a risk to the professionals providing them with support.

Interpersonal violence is responsible for roughly one in 10 lost time incidents in hospitals. Healthcare professionals may end up needing medical care for brain injuries caused by a blow to the head or lacerations caused by a patient with a weapon.

Workers’ compensation protects hospital employees

Although a violent incident is the fault of the person who becomes aggressive, they may not have the resources to properly compensate the people affected by their behavior. Thankfully, workers’ compensation benefits apply regardless of the origin of someone’s injuries.

No-fault benefits apply even when there is direct evidence that an outside party is to blame for someone’s recent injuries. Hospital employees can qualify for full medical benefits for their treatment and also disability pay if they have to take time away from work. Pursuing a workers’ compensation claim while recovering from a violent incident might be challenging for the average person.

Healthcare professionals injured in violent incidents may need the support of a lawyer as they apply for benefits and learn about their rights. The right assistance and advocacy can help people maximize the benefits they receive while avoiding common mistakes that could delay claim approval.